Sarah Gunasekera
Hometown: Mount Sinai, NY
Advisors: First Rotation: William Fairbrother; Second Rotation: Erica Larschan
Research Interests: RNA, Structural Biology, Genomics, Synthetic Biology
What excites me about my research is hearing about recent advancements in RNA-based therapies and contributing to their potential in treating fatal and rare diseases due to their highly specific function.
The most challenging part of graduate school so far is Balancing several research and other commitments, and putting my best effort into each (without the expense of my personal well-being).
My favorite thing about my graduate program is the community of CCMB students, and the lovely office space we can work in (e.g. friends, natural light, unlimited tea, etc.)
After my PhD, I hope to work in an environment that allows me to continue pursuing research in an industry setting.
Outside of school, you can find me on the track, the tennis court, at the climbing gym, or taking a walk outside. I love to stay active with friends.
Sarah Gunasekera has a keen interest in how experimental and computational data can work together to develop more effective therapeutics for improving human health. She previously studied optimization methods in RNA structural models to enhance RNA dynamics in simulations at Stony Brook University, NY, where she earned her undergraduate degree in Biology and Applied Mathematics.