Data Science Insitute
Center for Computational Molecular Biology

Becoming an Affiliate

Any Brown University faculty member may apply to become a CCMB Affiliate.

The applicant must contact the Center Director by email to schedule giving a CCMB seminar; these seminars take place on Wednesday at 4 p.m. during our regular CCMB/DSI seminar series. The seminar should emphasize active research at the intersection of quantitative approaches and genomics; after the seminar there will be a vote by the core faculty of the Center, and the applicant will be notified of the decision by the Director with two weeks.


All affiliates are welcome to propose speakers for the CCMB/DSI seminar series, and the Center has resources to support travel and incidentals for such speakers and also welcomes opportunities to cosponsor speakers with departments and centers on campus. 


All affiliates are potential trainers in the Computational Biology graduate program. We encourage affiliates to consider serving on the Computational Biology graduate admissions committee, both to help select excellent trainees for our community and to identify potential new lab members or rotation advisees. Our graduate program has a large and supportive mentoring community with an active annual review process, cross-listing of graduate courses, student-led journal clubs, and Center affiliates often serve as thesis committee members for our doctoral program.


There are opportunities for funding graduate students of affiliates through the NIH-funded T32 in Biological Data Science and through the Center. The Center also has some resources to support student travel to present at conferences and we encourage lab members of Center affiliates to also see opportunities for conference travel funding from the Brown Graduate Student Council as well as the BioMed Department and the Medical School depending on the student’s home department affiliation. Computational Biology graduate students have opportunities to gain priority access to Oscar’s high-performance computing environment at Brown, attend professional development roundtables with CCMB and DSI, and to enroll in methods-development focused grant writing course and modules.

Faculty Meetings

All affiliated faculty are welcome at CCMB’s monthly faculty meetings regarding the Center's activities.

Departments & Centers

Both the Faculty in the Center for Computational Molecular Biology as well as our graduate students are affiliated with several departments and centers within the Brown University community such as the following: