Macton Mgonzo
Hometown: Iringa, Tanzania
Advisor: Hamish Fraser (Medical Science & Health Services, Policy and Practice)
Research Interests: Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Information Retrieval
What motivates my research are real-world challenges and their impact.
I decided to pursue a PhD because I wanted to pursue something different, something that could benefit others. I started my PhD as a Computer Science student, where I could apply my knowledge of AI to address healthcare challenges. Over the past two years, I’ve gained extensive expertise in the Computational Biology field, and I am looking forward to further contributing in this field.
My favorite thing about Brown is that as a university located in a small city, it makes it easy to reach out to any place.
After earning my PhD, I want to work as a University Professor or in a research-based institution.
Outside of work, I enjoy traveling.