Data Science Insitute
Center for Computational Molecular Biology

Graduate Student Resources

Welcome to the Computational Biology Ph.D. program. Here are several links you may find helpful as you begin your studies with us. The links are organized in sections down the length of the page so keep scrolling to find what you need. If there are areas you would like us to organize links for please email and we will update accordingly.

CCMB Grad Program Resources

First year graduate students and rotation advisors should review, fill out, and sign the CCMB Rotation Agreement Form before the start of each semester's rotation. This form is intended to help advisors and students set clear expectations and goals for the upcoming semester.
Visit Page

Brown University Resources

This is the primary political and social body for Grad students. We have a very involved and vibrant community of graduate students here at Brown. You can find a wealth of helpful information here as well as the listservs to join for announcements and bulletin board postings specifically for the grad community.
Visit Page
The Graduate Student Digital CV (GSDCV) enables graduate students to track their achievements as a teacher, mentor, and researcher. Questions should be directed to
Visit Page
CCV provides computing infrastructure, consulting, and support to the Brown Community with a team of HPC specialists, data scientists, and research software engineers available to work with researchers.
Visit Page
Information for graduate students who are parents. These pages feature Brown University resources and community resources that may be helpful starting points whether you are expecting, already have children, or are considering starting a family while at Brown.

Visit Page

Funding Resources

A list of fellowship opportunities have been compiled by the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. For more fellowship and grant funding opportunities, please visit the InfoEd SPIN search engine.
This directory of Non-NIH Funding Opportunities includes international grants and fellowships in biomedical and behavioral research, providing information about additional funding opportunities available to those in the field of global health research.

Administrative FAQ & Resources

All requests requiring action should be made through email (rather than on Slack or in person).


Alden Bumstead, Associate Director (office 363)

  • Financial questions
  • Overall policies, priorities, strategies
  • Budgeting questions

Meg Lopes, Events & Outreach Coordinator (office 365)

  • Event requests and planning
  • Newsletter and other advertising
  • Campus outreach
  • Social media

Maria Cardone, Academic Programs Coordinator (office 364)

  • Student issues: registration, billing, advising, PhD appointments, admissions and recruitment, offer letters, conferences, graduation, etc.
  • Course submission, classroom requests, etc.
  • Sponsored IDs
  • J-1 student interns

Sabrina Boyk, Administrative Coordinator (Front Desk)

  • Conference room scheduling
  • Floor/space issues and questions
  • Student worker and TA hiring
  • Officer & kitchen supplies
  • Reimbursements
  • Floor access

Our internal mail address is Box 1903 which you can use if you are expecting something from another department at Brown. For postal mail and packages use the below address to ship to the Center, though personal mail should be sent to your home address as we cannot forward items shipped here in error.

Please items that need to be sent to the Center use: 

Your name C/O

Brown University CCMB
69 Brown St, Box 1903
Providence, RI  02912


If you receive mail that has been sent to the CCMB mailbox it will be left in a mailbox located to the right of the main reception desk on the floor. Mail is sorted daily by our student workers into the mailboxes.

If you are looking to book conference room 302, 320, 370, or 375 please email Please include the following information in your request:

  • Contact person for the reservation

  • Group or Individual name

  • Affiliation (e.g. CCMB - Ramachandran Lab Group)

  • Date and time of the reservation

  • Frequency of reservation (one time or repeating)

Please note that recurring meetings will not be approved unless they are for a DSI (CCMB/CNTR) faculty member or academic group. If you would like to reserve room 324 or 329, graduate students can do so via the calendar links pinned in the Slack.

CCMB & DSI students, staff, faculty, and visitors are free to help themselves to the coffee and tea available in the kitchen on the floor. Please bring your own reusable mug or water bottle to cut down on waste, though we do provide sustainable compostable single use items. Supplies are monitored regularly though if anything is missing from the kitchen please contact Sabrina at and she will address your request.

PLEASE KEEP THE KITCHEN CLEAN – Facilities does a fantastic job of cleaning our spaces however we don't want to abuse the privilege so please wipe up spills after yourself. 

Send email to and one of the members of the CIS staff will respond to you. All laptops provided to student for the Computational Biology program are supported by our IT staff including repairs and maintenance which we cover through the CCMB funds. If you need repairs while traveling contact at your earliest convenience to request approval for reimbursing for out of pocket repair expenses PRIOR to paying for repairs yourself.

There are both black/white and color multi-function printers on the floor for use. Instructions are available via QR codes by the printers or by emailing

We also have a poster printer that students and faculty may use to print off posters for conferences and presentations. If you would like to have a poster printed, please contact Maria at Poster Printing Notes: The printer is 42" wide - your poster will print best/easiest if one side is 42".

Important Contacts

Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)

Faculty members who oversee the PhD program

  • Jeff Bailey

    Graduate Program Co-Director for the Center of Computational Molecular Biology, Mencoff Family Associate Professor of Translations Research, Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
  • Emilia Huerta-Sánchez

    Director of the Center for Computational Molecular Biology, Graduate Program Co-Director for the Center of Computational Molecular Biology, Associate Professor Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Academic Programs Coordinator

  • Maria Cardone

    Academic Programs Manager, Data Science Institute (DSI), Center for Computational Molecular Biology (CCMB), Center for Technological Responsibility (CNTR)

Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS)

Faculty member who oversees the Sc.B. and A.B in Computational Biology programs

Executive Committee of the CCMB